EBLIDA Elections Results

Elections Results: EBLIDA President and Executive Committee 2024-2027

We are delighted to announce the results of the 2024-2027 EBLIDA elections and take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to all members who participated in the elections. We have been very impressed by the quality and range of the candidates.


We are happy to announce Erna Wintersas the newly elected President of EBLIDA.

Erna Winters

Erna Winters

The Netherlands Library Association (VOB), Netherlands

[1st Term]


With her wealth of experience and unwavering commitment to the values of the library and culture sector, we are confident that Erna will lead us towards even greater achievements in the coming years.


See the UPDATE on the election result!

The newly elected EBLIDA Executive Committee members are:


Jessica JacobsMs. Jessica Jacobs


Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek-, Archief- en Documentatiewezen (VVBAD) (Flemish Association for Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres)
[1st Term]


Andrew Cranfield (Captured-Fotostudie)Mr. Andrew Cranfield


Danmarks Biblioteksforening (Danish Library Association)
[2nd Term]


Rauha MaarnoMs. Rauha Maarno


Suomen Kirjastoseura (Finnish Library Association)
[2nd Term]


Jacqueline BreidlidMs. Jacqueline Breidlid


BID - Bibliothek & Information Deutschland (Federal Union of German Library and Information Associations)
[1st Term]


Mr. Antonios Mourikis


ΕΕΒΕΠ - Ένωση Ελλήνων Βιβλιοθηκονόμων και Επιστημόνων Πληροφόρησης (Association of Greek Librarians and Information Scientists, AGLIS)
[1st Term]


Liu PalmieriMs. Liu Palmieri


Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (AIB) (Italian Library Association)
[1st Term]


Ms. Katrina Kukaine


Latvijas Bibliotekaru Biedriba (LBB) (Library Association of Latvia)
[2nd Term]


Helene Heger VoldnerMs. Helene Heger Voldner


Norsk Bibliotekforening (Norwegian Library Association)
[1st Term]


Zelia ParreiraMs. Zélia Parreira


Associação Portuguesa de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas, Profissionais da Informação e Documentação (Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists, Information and Documentation Professionals, BAD)
[2nd Term]


Alicia Sellés CarotMs. Alicia Sellés


Federación Española de Sociedades de Archivística, Biblioteconomía, Documentación y Museística/ (FESABID - Spanish Federation of Archives, Libraries, Documentation and Museum Associations)
[2nd Term]

We are pleased that our Executive Committee members who went to be re-elected for a second term, have been successful.

We also take notice of the geographical spread of the committee members, reflecting the diversity and inclusivity of our membership across Europe. This continuity and diversity ensure that the interests and perspectives of libraries from all parts of Europe are represented and advocated for.

We welcome our newly elected President and Executive Committee and look forward to introducing them to you during our Council meeting on 8th of April in Lisbon, after which, the new term begins!

Thank you again to our members for your engagement and support which are essential to the success and vitality of EBLIDA, and we look forward to working together to advance the interests of libraries and library professionals across Europe.

Voting results

EBLIDA President



Erna Winters 112
Spaska Tarandova 69

EBLIDA Executive Committee



Andrew Cranfield 144
Rauha Maarno 142
Jacqueline Breidlid 130
Zélia Parreira 125
Alicia Sellés Carot 123
Katrīna Kukaine 111
Antonios Mourikis 111
Helene Heger Voldner 107
Jessica Jacobs 98
Liu Palmieri 98
Guillaume Gast 95
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