[Conference Presentation Slides are inserted into the Programme]
The Conference venue: Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Alameda da Universidade, 1649-010 Lisbon, Portugal

15:00 – For those who come early - a walking through Lisbon’s historical centre.
Meeting at 15:00 in Restauradores Square at the obelisk.

Registration desk open: 10:00
Internal Meetings (Pre-Conference Day)
11:00 EBLIDA Executive Committee Meeting & Photo Session [Sala do Relógio / Clock Room - 1st Floor]
11:00 NAPLE e-book Working Group [Sala de Formação / Training Room - 1st Floor]
14:00 EBLIDA Annual Council Meeting - Reserved for EBLIDA Members - including Coffee Break [Sala de Conferências / Conference Room - 1st Floor]
Photo Session with Council Members, Incoming and Outgoing EBLIDA Executive Committee Members
17:00 EBLIDA Executive Committee Meeting – with newly elected members. [Sala do Relógio / Clock Room - 1st Floor]
17:30 NAPLE General Assembly (for NAPLE Members only)
19:30 Council Dinner: Solar dos Presuntos Restaurant (Rua das Portas de Santo Antão 150) Public transportation: Restauradores subway station (green line) [350m from the restaurant]

Registration desk open: 08:30
EBLIDA Conference: Charting the future of Libraries
[Auditório / Auditorium - Ground Floor]
9:00 – 9:15
Ton van Vlimmeren, EBLIDA President and Bruno Duarte Eiras, Ministery of Culture, Portugal
9:15 – 9:45
The keynote will frame the current situation for libraries by exploring trends impacting their role in society and outline important areas of leadership for the distinctive positioning of libraries in a societal context. It will provide the listeners with an understanding of the importance of real community engagement, of expanding library programs and events, and of library space as a service. By sketching various scenarios for the future of libraries, the keynote will provide awareness of the consequential competences needed among staff.
Rolf Hapel, Former professor at University of Washington Information School, USA and former Director Aarhus Public Library, Denmark
9:45 – 10:15
Keynote Reflection:
A conversation with the incoming President Erna Winters (Netherlands) |
10:15 - 10:50
Plenary Session - Panel Discussion: What comes first: future libraries or future librarians?
In this session the common and different challenges of libraries across Europe and the strategies how in countries is dealt with these, are explored and elaborated.
- Bildung and culture as an essential competency for next generation librarians.
Andrew Cranfield, Director, Helsingør Municipality Libraries, Denmark
Chair: Ton van Vlimmeren, EBLIDA President
10:50 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee break
11:30 - 12:45
Workshop 1.
[Sala de Conferências / Conference Room - 1st Floor]
Introduction: Nicole Krüger, Zürich University of Applied Sciences, University Library, Switzerland
Looking back at the Library and Information Sciences curricula from 20 years ago and the library practice today, we see that subject specific library trainings at universities can set a basis – but cannot alone cover the needs of future librarians for a life span. Learning ability, social-, communication- and networking skills, as well as agile project management- and (self-)presentation skills have become vital for staying up to date on the job and for lifelong learning. These skills are important, too for the adaptation of services and the organization to technological and socio-economic developments.
In this interactive workshop we will use a “trend map” in order to match existing library services and skills with future demands and identify gaps that can and should be addressed in librarians’ trainings. (Read more)
Chair: Nicole Krüger, Zürich University of Applied Sciences, University Library, Switzerland
Rapporteur: Alicia Sellés Carot, Federación Española de Sociedades de Archivística, Biblioteconomía, Documentación y Museística - FESABID, Spain
Workshop 2.
[Sala de Formação / Training Room - 1st Floor]
Matching the demands of librarians
Introduction: Lucia Werder, Director, Bremen Public Library, Germany and and Nora Neuhaus de Laurel, HR Officer, Bremen Public Library, Germany
What do new staff members expect from the library? How to retain them? What culture in the library is beneficial? Are library qualifications a helpful demand or blocking career opportunities? Are there career opportunities in libraries? In this workshop, we dig deeper into the work environment and work offer of libraries regarding retaining a motivated library staff.
Chair: Lucia Werder, Director, Bremen Public Library
Rapporteur: Julie Calmus, ABF, French Association of Librarians, France
Workshop 3.
Sala do Relógio / Clock Room - 1st Floor]
The workshop steps on the first results of the project NEDLib "Digital competence and information literacy for librarians" offering pilot training activities for librarians in 5 European countries. As an introduction the goals of the project and the general content of the training modules covering 4 key areas: Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Disinformation and Fake News, and Gamification in Libraries, will be presented. Then the participants will be divided into groups, each taking two of the training modules, evaluating and rating the suggested topics. In the discussions attention will be paid to the questions if modern library knowledge is geographically diverse and if training in key areas can help to overcome the knowledge gaps of the experienced library staff and in the same time address the needs of unexperienced professionals in the libraries.
Chair: Marina Encheva, NEDLIB project / Bulgarian Library and Information Association and Gabriela Angelova, National Library "St. St. Cyril and Methodius", and University of Library Studies and Information Technologies – ULSIT, Bulgaria
Rapporteur: Spaska Tarandova, Global Libraries Foundation, Bulgaria
12:45 – 13:00
Group Photo |
13:00 – 14:15
13:00 – 14:15
Escape Room (by OCLC)
[Sala de Conferências / Conference Room - 1st Floor]
Join this interactive session during either the lunch break or the workshop slot later in the afternoon at 15:55 - 17:05.
Recognize misinformation, crack the code! Free yourself from misinformation! Take part in a fun and challenging escape room game that your library can use to make your community more resilient against misinformation.
Pre-registration is required. Read more
14:15 - 15:15
Plenary Session: Digital literacy for digital libraries
In this session we explore the role of libraries in digital literacy and what skills and competencies are needed for library staff to enable this role.
Chair: Mairead Owens, City Library of Dublin, Ireland
15:15 – 15:25
Discussion and Q&A
15:25 - 15:55
Coffee break
15:55 - 17:05
Workshop 4.
[Sala de Formação / Training Room - 1st Floor]
Library directors face many challenges: seeking course in an uncertain world, developing new services, finding support among staff, politicians, and funders, dealing with unions, exploring new audiences, and dealing with old ones and much more.
Chair: Marie Østergaard, Director, Public Libraries of Aarhus and DOKK 1, Denmark
Rapporteur: Rauha Maarno, Celia Library for the Visually Impaired, Finland
Workshop 5.
[Sala de Conferências / Conference Room - 1st Floor]
This workshop will explore the transformative potential of AI in libraries. We’ll try to uncover AI’s strengths, learn to leverage its capabilities for improved library services, and discover opportunities it presents for librarians and users alike.
Chair: Teresa Pombo, Ministry of Education and Science, Portugal Rapporteur: Katrīna Kukaine, National Library of Latvia
Workshop 6.
Sala do Relógio / Clock Room - 1st Floor]
Recruiting practices of Libraries
How do libraries nowadays recruit their staff? What is the image of libraries in the labor market? What makes libraries attractive? Which competitors are there? Is the economic offer of libraries competitive? What is the role of qualifications and library academies? Can everyone work in the library?
In this workshop, we will explore the experiences and good practices in the different contexts that libraries in Europe are confronted with. Together we (hope to) identify positive strands.
Introduction: Lucia Werder, Director, Bremen Public Library, Germany and and Nora Neuhaus de Laurel, HR Officer, Bremen Public Library, Germany
Chair & Rapporteur: Ton van Vlimmeren, EBLIDA President
Escape Room
Recognize misinformation, crack the code! Free yourself from misinformation! Take part in a fun and challenging escape room game that your library can use to make your community more resilient against misinformation.
Pre-registration is required. Read more
17:05 – 17:20
Workshop wrap ups and Q&A
Hella Klauser, Bibliothek & Information Deutschland – BID, Germany
17:20 – 17:30
Conclusions – New EBLIDA President
19:30 -
Conference Dinner: Zambeze Restaurant - Rooftop Bar (Calçada Marquês de Tancos, Mercado Chão do Loureiro)
Public Transportation: Rossio subway station (blue line) [450m from the restaurant]

Shaping the future of libraries
EBLIDA - NAPLE - PL2030 Event
[Sala de Conferências / Conference Room - 1st Floor]
9:30 - 10.30 The Open Method of Coordination (OMC) process
10.30 - 11.00 Joint communications from the European library organisations for the EU elections in June 2024
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
RL:EU Conference
Registration desk for the RL:EU Conference open: 10:00
11:30 - 16:00 RL:EU Conference (Hybrid)
The RL:EU Conference: Digital Upskilling for Libraries in Europe will be in a hybrid format, and will present resources, frameworks, and projects on digital upskilling for libraries in Europe.
(Registration cloesed 4/4/2024)
